Do Eye Doctors Test for Glaucoma at Routine Eye Exams?

Keeping your eyes healthy is essential for your overall wellness, and routine eye exams are important for maintaining the clarity of your vision. Routine eye exams ensure you are seeing clearly and are necessary for the early detection of many vision-threatening eye conditions. One of the most concerning eye conditions that people often worry about… Read More
Why Eye Pain is Not Normal and May Be Something Serious

Eye pain can be indicative of many different eye conditions; some of them may even be vision-threatening. There are different types of eye pain that you can experience, including throbbing, sharp, or aching pains. It is very important that you do not ignore eye pain. If you notice an abnormal feeling of discomfort or pressure… Read More
iStent Treatment for Glaucoma during Cataract Surgery
iSTENT INJECT® Treatment for Glaucoma during Cataract Surgery by Carolyn B. Hebson, MD VisionFirst Eye Center is proud to offer the iStent inject® which is FDA approved for the treatment of mild to moderate glaucoma in conjunction with cataract surgery. The iStent inject® is next-generation technology and an improvement of the original iStent which has… Read More